Fever in Children - Danger Signs

Dr. Parang Mehta, MD.

Fever is a protective mechanism of our body, and helps the defense systems to fight the infections that cause fever.  It is a sign that all is not right with the child, that some disease process is ongoing.  Most episodes of fever in children resolve quickly and completely, with minimal treatment.  However, some episodes of fever are caused by a serious disease.

Fever isn't dangerous by itself, but it can signal the presence of a serious disease

A serious disease is one that can progress without treament, and may cause death or a permanent harmful effect.  In the context of fever, most such diseases are infections.  Mild infections like a sore throat, a cold, or a viral fever are common, and usually last a few days only.  However, other infections are serious, affect vital organs and systems, and require quick and effective treatment for successful resolution.

Fever Terms

Fever: Rectal temperature of 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) or greater.  Temperature measurements in the mouth, armpit, or ear canal are not considered as reliable.

Serious bacterial infection: Meningitis, sepsis, bone and joint infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, enteritis

Toxic appearance: A term generally taken to indicate a seriously ill child.  A somewhat vague concept, but now taken to mean a child with some or all of the following -- lethargy, poor blood flow, blueness of lips or fingers, and slow or fast breathing.

Lethargy: Poor or absent eye contact, poor recognition or response to parents, no interest in people or objects around the child.

Dangerous Situations for Fever

Especially in babies below the age of 6 months, diseases can progress very rapidly

Fever in children should never be taken lightly, because a small percentage of children have a serious infection.  The danger is higher under certain situations.  Children in these situations are in danger of serious or progressive diseases, and need aggressive laboratory testing and treatment.


Fever in Children
Treatment of Fever


Last Revision: May 22, 2020